IIBS Ranked 3rd in Placements among the Best B Schools in Bangalore-2013,Placements Survey-SiliconIndiaIIBS rated India's No.1 emerging B-school in Placement.(Source: Samaja Parivarthana) Bangalore, Noida & Kolkata offered by PTU. IIBS rated 3rd place in Top Ten B-School in India-(Source: SiliconIndia)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

MBA in Kolkata is the best option to enter in Marketing Sector with Career Boom

The charm of achieving an MBA degree from management college of Kolkata is hard to ignore. Though the economic uncertainty had created an insignificant slump in the number of MBA entrance exam takers last year, but that does not mean that the MBA aspiration is wearing out! The immense opportunities it opens in front of the students lead more and more students to opt for MBA. Many national magazines release annual surveys on business schools rankings. Lakhs of aspirants prepare every year to tame the CAT and other MBA entrance exams. And, lest we forget, there are tons of MBA coaching centres that promise to help you prepare better for MBA entrance exams - and get that prized degree! 
But before you decide to be a part of the race to enter the portals of MBA institutes in Kolkata, it would be worth doing a bit of homework. One should know, for instance, what a typical MBA course is like, what the various options for pursuing an MBA program are, and how you can choose the right B School. Remember, all MBA degrees are not equal: while a rigorous MBA course from a reputed institute can be your passport to a fat-salaried job at India Inc., there are many lowly-rated institutes from where getting even a halfway decent job is a pipe dream.

It has been rightly said that after engineering, MBA is the most sought after course by Indian students. In education, there are many other courses but most of them are theory centric. MBA is a mix of theory and application. This is the main reason why around 10 lakh students aspire for an MBA degree in India every year.
Management education is very important for the sustained growth of the country. What accounts for this growth? The demand of a reputed MBA degree is healthy - from both the recruiters and the aspirant`s sides.
MBA offers greater possibility of networking with "quality people" and this has its own benefits. Lastly, any business has to be "managed". Most people believe, and it is probably true, that a person with a multi-functional knowledge base will do this job better.

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